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Michigan's Premier Window Tinting Company

6 Benefits You Will Enjoy from Heat Reflective Window Film

Cee Sanchez • Aug 26, 2019

Interested in window tinting for your home? We put together ten benefits you will enjoy from heat reflective window film.

heat reflective window film
Are you looking for ways to save money for your next big purchase? Are you asking yourself and the internet if window tinting for your home is worth the expense? 

We can tell you right now that heat reflective window film can help you save plenty of money and customers generally find the initial expense well worth the cost. 

Still not convinced? Keep reading to find out the benefits of window tinting for your home! 

Lower Energy Bills

The average energy bill for homeowners in the United States is around $111. 

If you happen to live in an area that reaches 90-100 degrees during the summer, that average may seem quite low. Your HVAC system is responsible for up to 47% of that usage which means cooling your home could be costing you big money!

Heat reflective window film can help reduce the amount of time your AC has to run in order to make your home comfortable. This film can also help block the sun which will allow you to retain that costly cold air for a longer period of time. 

With average use, an air conditioning system can last 10-15 years. However, with residential window tint, your AC doesn't have to work as hard which means you could see a few extra years of use!

No Window Treatments? No Problem

Natural light can make a small space look larger and help you conserve energy by not using unnecessary lamps or overhead lights.

Taking advantage of your home's natural brightness can put your daily life on display for the neighbors if you don't have window treatments. Unfortunately, window treatments are expensive to install, can hinder the amount of light and view, and need to be updated periodically to keep your home stylish

Opting for residential window tint film will allow you to skip the blinds while still offering privacy and style. Additionally, a tinted film can make it harder for criminals to see into your home--if they don't know what valuables you have, it is less likely for them to try to steal it!

If you already have window treatments, installing tinted window film is still a worthwhile investment. For blinds or curtains to protect your home from harsh UV rays, stop glare, and reduce heat, they must be closed. Tinted film will allow you to open your blinds while still keeping cool and avoiding annoying glare.

No Furniture or Floor Fading

The sun is known to bleach cloth, leather, stained wood, and anything that has a bit of color including your gorgeous hardwood floors and perfectly designed furniture! 

While window treatments can help protect your investments from the sun, they must remain closed which blocks the natural light you love. In order to protect your furniture and floors without sacrificing any light, heat reflective film should be installed. 

Resistance to Shattering

Whether you live in an area with trees, have neighbors with kids (and their toys,) or simply forget to secure items, a major storm has the potential to shatter windows. While heat reflective window film may not prevent these issues, it does help prevent the window from shattering. 

Aside from keeping your family safe from broken glass, this can help keep your home from getting soaked while the storm rages on and will give you time to find a replacement.

If a window happens to be hit by debris, the tinted film may help prevent the initial cracking which means you won't have to worry about replacements or shattering in the first place. 

Heat Reflective Window Film Reduces Risk of Skin Cancer

Regardless of your ethnicity, prolonged exposure to the sun puts you at risk for skin cancer. With this said, being inside doesn't always protect you against the sun's rays. 

While it's possible to develop skin cancer even with little to no exposure to the sun, sitting next to an unprotected window each day can increase your chances of this diagnosis. 

Even if this type of cancer never develops, spending time in the sun can cause painful sunburns, wrinkles, and premature aging. While you are inside your home, it is unlikely that you'll wear sunglasses, thus increasing your risk of eye damage. 

Using a heat reflective window film will keep your skin safe. This isn't a complete solution to skin cancer prevention as you will still need to protect yourself when outside. However, you will keep your skin looking young and healthy for longer! 

Keep Your Home Warm

The phrase 'heat reflective window film' can imply that this product only works well at keeping your home cool but it also can work in reverse. Because the Great Lakes area experiences freezing cold winters, this factor is important for year-round savings!

The addition of window tinting film will act as an insulator during cold winter months, allowing your home to retain heat. This keeps your family comfortable and energy bills low. 

Are You Convinced Yet?

If you haven't noticed, opting to install heat reflective window film in your home will allow for cost savings in multiple areas of your budget. Lowered cooling & heating expenses, lack of medical bills, and no need for window treatments or replacement furniture will mean plenty of extra money in your budget! 

There are plenty of tinted film options to choose from to ensure the best look for your home and fit for your wallet. If you would like to see what heat reflective window film can do for your home, contact us for a consultation! We service homes and businesses in Wayne County, Oakland County, Macomb County, and Washtenaw County for all their Window Tinting Needs

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